

All the games in ShRuk Sports Academy are with professional trainers. All age group people are trained here. Many District, State Level players are produced.

Shuttle Throwing Machine

Its a machine which will throw shuttles to a or 2 or three places as the coach fixed by remote control

Table Tennis Ball Throwing Machine

When the oscillation speed is zero, it is designed to serve the??balls??of fixed point. When it works with adjusting knob, it is designed to serve the random??balls??by right to left.


Badminton players need to possess a variety of fitness capabilities to be successful. Cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, agility, power and strength are all desirable traits that can be developed with regular training. Strength training for badminton should be as sports specific as possible, and your program should reflect the demands of your sport while still leaving sufficient time and energy for playing practice.

Dressing Room

Four Dressing Rooms are available.


Shower is available.


Cloakroom is available.